Customer Reviews For EMS Parcel Post
EMS Parcel Post3.8 570423/09/2022 Pune Subramaniam
Parcel Delivery
By Pune Subramaniam on 23/09/2022
Parcel delivered, but quotation was out need to pay more otherwise delivery service is acceptable level. TQ!
EMS Parcel Post3.8 570423/09/2022 Gabriele Niekamp
By Gabriele Niekamp on 23/09/2022
EMS Parcel Post3.8 570122/09/2022 Kelly Shideler
Product still not delivered.
By Kelly Shideler on 22/09/2022
The shipment was slow to arrive to the country. It has been sitting in Spanish customs ever since because the courier didn't file the paperwork and contact information correctly in their system.
Agent replied on 22/09/2022
Please note that the parcel was delivered to the customer and we have noticed that they problem with the receiver was delayed to pay the duty & tax.
EMS Parcel Post3.8 570515/09/2022 JC
I like EMS
By JC on 15/09/2022
I like to send big heavy things internationally. I like cheap prices. Been using EMS Parcel Post (Parcel Monkey) for years.
EMS Parcel Post3.8 570315/09/2022 Curtis L Adams
By Curtis L Adams on 15/09/2022
Service states up to 17 days delivery time and so far, both shipments have taken way beyond that. First shipment was about 4 weeks this second shipment took from August 8th until September 14th so that was basically 5 weeks. Unfortunately, it is the only service that will insure a shipment so if we need that service, we have to use EMC. And while the cost is more reasonable than all the other couriers if the time estimate would simply be honest about the length of time it will take it would not be a big issue, but you tell a customer 3 weeks and they are expecting it in 3 weeks. When it takes 5 they go batty on you and who needs that.